Thursday, October 21, 2010

Adorable mobile!

 On my search for baby projects back when i was pregnant, i bookmarked ALOT of stuff and this was one of them! SOOOO CUTE, and such a great tutorial on a do it yourself baby mobile!
Head on over to WOMEN WHO DO IT ALL for a great LOT of baby ideas!

Isa's teething!

Well, my baby girl is teething and sometimes she is good with just a teether, but other times nothing seems to sooth her but my boob! i need help!! anyone know anything i can do to help sooth her other than having her attached to my boob all day??

Friday, September 3, 2010

Infinity dress

So one of my good friends asked me one day if i would try to make this "infinity dress".
i didn't have a clue about what she was talking about, so ofcourse i GOOGLED IT!! :-D i found this very good tutorial over at ROSTITCHERY!
All i know is that once i get the right material i will definetly be starting my 1st sewing project that is actually for ME!!
i am so excited!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Help Natasha's TU-TU DRIVE

Samster Mommy Tutu Drive
grrrrr!!! i wish i still lived in the states so i could actually AFFORD to make one and ACTUALLY SEND IT! well.. i went to DHL & UPS here in santo domingo, DR .... well lets just say that its not happening for that ridiculous price to send a barely 3lb package :'(
so instead im just going to help spread the word!! :-D


So, my camera is messed up :-( pretty sure it was sand from the beach when my in laws came to visit. Sooo i cant post pictures o my projects yet {boooo :-(  }
anyways i was on ebay like myb 20 minutes ago looking up baby bracelets and i ran across the cutest thing ever!!! BREASTFEEDING BRACELETS! One has a slider and numbers 1-12 to help you keep track of the hour you last fed baby!

and another one called a MILK BAND which is to help you track babys feedings.. well u know a bracelet that helps you avoid the though "Which boob did i feed baby on last? right or left? left.. no, maybe it was the right boob! lol

anywho, ttyl

Saturday, June 26, 2010

hey yall.. im STILL trying to figure out how to work this whole BLOGGER thing! LOL so i apparently have 2 blogs..  my 1st i have all my cute bittons on.. u kno, the buttons for all those super cute seing and creaive pages ive found!! but i didnt like my URL..  so i guess i have to start all over on this one. (not like i did much to the other one anyway! lol)

i'd definetly apreciate some help here!!!